Knowledge of Liberty Reserve

What is Liberty Reserve?

Liberty Reserve is a payment system (payment system) which is used by people on the internet. Liberty Reserve (LR) is a company inkorperasi country from Escazu, Costa Rica.

For those of you who still lay on the payment system, the picture is as follows: If you've ever played in or take your TimeZone, you will be asked to fill in a credit on a plastic card. Suppose you make a deposit of 100 thousand on the card your timezone, then all you do is buy the card, and pay for the contents of the card with the amount of money that you will use when used to play games. Likewise with the payment system, you open a liberty reserve account on the website, then you fill in some funds in there, then you can use at merchants who accept liberty reserve.

Similarly, the timezone that you can use in all the places bearing the timezone, you can also use liberty reserve to pay in any place that has a LR logo or writing that they accept payment with LibertyReserve.

Another illustration I can describe as follows: Suppose you have a mobile phone with a GSM card provider Telkomsel. To be able to make a phone you need credit, and to fill it you can do in the nearest pulse counters. As with liberty reserve, you can make the filling the funds in your liberty reserve account with liberty reserve exchanger.
For novice users liberty reserve, it will be lots of questions about liberty reserve. To help you, this time provide specific guidance mengenaiLiberty Reserve and all the tips and tricks to use Liberty Reserve is right and proper for the security of your liberty reserve transactions on the Internet.

To open a Liberty Reserve Account Please Click Here

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